England will never cease to amaze me, even though to be honest, I have often had a love/hate relationship with this country. The first fez years I was here, I often felt like you couldn’t even compare France and England and that I came here for London anyway. Probably a bit tough to read if you’re British. Sorry. But I have changed my mind many times since and I’ve learned to love this beautiful country and its tradition and uniqueness. Actually, I change my mind any time I go around and explore the cities for a day trip around London.
A few years ago, I even wrote something about the 10 good reasons to live in England!
Cities like Cambridge, Bath or even Canterbury have this unique British charisma, and the countryside is always so green and colorful. I love going for my traditional day in Brighton, absolutely loved Whitstable and spent my 30th walking along the coast from Margate to Botany Bay and Broadstairs. It was SUCH a beautiful walk, I couldn’t wait any longer for an other one so for the Easter weekend, we jumped on a train to Eastbourne for a bowl of fresh air along the coast.
The walk along the Seven Sisters Cliffs was on my list of things to do in England for a while.
I was expecting beautiful sceneries, never ending landscapes, beautiful cliffs and a great way to to disconnect from London life.
This is exactly what happened.
From Eastbourne to the Seven Sisters Cliffs
From London, we went directly to Eastbourne form London Bridge. You can also get there from Victoria.
The brand new pier looked so shinny, especially under that blue sky.
Sunny Sunday, 10 am. Never too early to get a sunbath right?
We take a look at the view before starting the walk. It’s not too complicated anyway, you just follow the coast! We aimed to be at Seaford for 1pm and meet a friend for Fish and Chips in Brighton at 2pm. Yeah… Right. Good we took a picnic with us « in case ».
We started walking for 10 minutes and the pier already looked very far.
The first part of the walk takes place in the national seven sisters park. Probably my favorite part of the walk. So green and peaceful.
First break.
Not sure if it’s an age thing, but since I’ve reached the 30 mark, I feel like I enjoy being in the nature more and need more space and calm. So this was pretty close to Heaven in that sense.
Small hills, green grass, the sea all over the place, quiet and peaceful place. Happiness.
Suddenly, the serious stuff began.
You see the cliff right at the end of the picture above? We had to go even further. Fine by us, we were there for some fresh air and a long walk by the nature. And the fresh air became very fresh.
The sun and warm air changed for wind and hazy rain. The walk became a bit more British. Oh well, we’re in England after all, and I’m a Londoner remember? I’m not scared of the rain anymore!
Nonetheless, as the weather got worse, the landscape became more and more beautiful.
And the sun suddenly came back. This is Britain, and this is also why we like it!
3 hours later, here we are, in the heart of the Seven Sisters cliffs. Not sure which one is which one exactly but they were all so gorgeous.
I was starting to wonder if that was the end of it and feeling a bit disappointed about it but it appeared we were only a bit more than half way.
We then finally arrived by this beach with was the sign we arrived near Seaford where we were planning on taking a train back to Eastbourne. (Yes, any intention to go to Brighton had gone by then. No need to explain why or how).
In total we walked 22 kilometers in about 4 hours. It was almost 4pm and we just wanted to find some sort of transport back to the main train station.
When you walk towards the main road, there are some frequent buses driving back to Eastbourne. A lovely pub is a good a good way to take a break.
The bus arrived same time as us so we jumped in it and arrived in Eastbourne in 20 minutes. Not sure how we felt about that. Our long 4 hours of walk reduced to 20 minutes drive.
Oh well, more time to enjoy a treat with a view.
If this (and hopefully it has) made you want to do the walk, you know what you have to do…
Book your train tickets, put your trainers on and enjoy!
Tickets from Eastbourne are about £32 Off Peak Return.